marți, 9 august 2011

Alba Iulia - Romania

The modern city is located near the site of the important Dacian political, economic and social centre of Apulon, mentioned by the ancient Greek geographer Ptolemy and believed by many archaeologists to be the Dacian fortifications on top of Piatra Craivii. After the southern part of Dacia became a province of the Roman Empire, the capital of the Dacia Apulensis district was established here, and the city was known as Apulum. Apulum was the largest city in Roman Dacia and the seat of the XIII Gemina Legion. Apulum is the largest castra located in Romania, occupying 37.5 ha (750 x 500 m2).
In Alba Iulia there are a lot of things to visit or to do. For example it the most archeological city in Romania with the richest grounds in the remains of the XIII Gemina Legion. The stronghold that the city was established in the XVIII century, is a Vauban style and is the largest in Eastern Europe. Well now, it is the biggest, but is it the most beautiful? Of course, because 2 years ago, constructions in rebuilding the stronghold began and with the help of European Union which worths almost 500 mil. euros  that will be done untill 2012.
Even if the stronghold is not ready, I see every day buses with tourists from Germany, Spain, Ukraine, France and so on. I`ve spoken recently with a german tourist and he told me that he never saw in his entire life a beautiful city like this. You can check for photos on google, or wikipedia. I`ll try to upload some photos too.

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